Measure Definitions

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When creating Measures the following information needs to be provided:

1. Name – this should be a label 3-5 words long.

2. Type – this should be Measure.

3. Description – this is optional but it is good practice to provide a description which includes where the Measure data can be found.

4. Scoring Type – the scoring type can be one of eleven types. On most occasions, this will be Goal/Red Flag (Red/Amber/Green).

5. Calendar – this relates to the frequency the data is collected, normally monthly for general management reporting.

6. Data Type – the application can handle Currency, Percentage, Numeric and Yes/No data.

7. Aggregation Type – this tells the application what to do with actual values when looking at them using a calendar other than the frequency collected calendar previously selected.

For example, for a Currency, the aggregation type is normally Sum. When looking at monthly data with a yearly calendar, you want the application to sum the months.

For a Percentage, the aggregation type is normally Average. When looking at monthly data using a yearly calendar, you want the application to take an average over the months.

Thresholds: You need to tell the application when you expect a Measure to turn red (from amber) and green (from amber)

8. Red Flag – For example, if the Measure is deemed to be Red below $25,000, the Red Flag value is $25,000.

9. Goal – this is the Green Flag threshold, this is usually the target.

10. Owner – Optionally add the Owner (this can be done later). The person who owns this object.

11. Updater – Optionally add the Updater (this can be done later). The person who updates the Measure with actual values.

Very Important:

  • When you have entered all of the data click the blue Create button
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