How to run a strategy workshop – Preparation

How to run a strategy workshop – Preparation

In this short article series, we’ll examine the art of organising successful strategy workshops as part of your organisational strategy development. We’ll begin by identifying the necessary preparation, review the event success factors and lastly, define the necessary...
Strategic Process – Strategy Evaluation

Strategic Process – Strategy Evaluation

Strategic Process – Strategy Evaluation Over the past four weeks, we have looked at the basics of the strategic process and worked through four of the five main steps required for a successful strategy, taking us right up to the implementation. Now we turn our...
Strategic Process – Implementation

Strategic Process – Implementation

Strategy Implementation In this article series, we’ve been looking at the strategic process and going ‘back to basics’ on the different steps involved in creating and delivering a successful organisational strategy. After defining, researching and...
Strategic Process – Strategic Objectives and KPIs

Strategic Process – Strategic Objectives and KPIs

Strategic Objectives and KPIs This is the third article in our ‘back to basics’ tour of the strategic planning process. Previously we have looked at vision/mission definition and the research and analysis stage. Now we move on to the formulation of strategic...
Strategic Process – Research and Analysis

Strategic Process – Research and Analysis

Research and Analysis – In this five-week article series, we are going ‘back to basics’ to examine the organisational strategic process in detail. Last week we looked at vision and mission. Research and Analysis This is the data-driven, number-crunching phase of...
Strategic Process: Vision and Mission

Strategic Process: Vision and Mission

Strategic Process: Vision and Mission In this article series, we will be going ‘back to basics’ and examining the five different elements of the organisational strategic process. These elements – at their most basic – are vision, mission and goal setting, research and...