Why Red Amber Green (RAG)?

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is meaningless unless its value can be compared to something. Without a comparison it is impossible to say if the value is good, bad or indifferent. The comparator could be a target based on previous performance or on a notional...

Supply Chain – A Good Lead Indicator

If you are looking for a good lead indicator that can predict the success or failure of your business, then take a good look at how well your supply chain performs. If the relationships with your suppliers are good, then the buying, movement, storing and selling of...

Key Performance Indicators – Book Review

Every company and organisation is unique, every company and organisation is striving to be the very best at what they do. Does this mean that the things they measure should be unique and different too? Clearly there will be some things that differ across industries...

Getting SMART about creating business objectives

Getting smart about creating business objectives – The Intrafocus guide “Developing Meaningful Performance Measures/KPIs” stresses that any metric should be based on a business objective. It seems obvious but in reality we often find ourselves measuring things...

Creating Meaningful KPIs

Creating Meaningful KPIs – Or to put it another way; ‘give your company a fighting chance to successfully implement its strategy’ This might seem a bit glib, but the reality is successful strategy is not determined by definition alone. Some of the greatest...

Are my objectives actually activities?

Are my Strategic Objectives actually Activities? One of the most common mistakes in Objective definition is to focus on activities rather than results. Objectives, like performance measures, are concerned with results. It is essential to frame objectives in...