2GC Balanced Scorecard Survey – Every year since 2009 2GC has collected data on Balanced Scorecard usage from the many organisations that actively use Balanced Scorecards to help manage their businesses. And hats off to 2GC as they publish the results free of charge on their website for all to see. 2GC has recently started inviting organisations to participate in the 2012 survey and we would encourage you to do so. This survey is one of the few that has enough trend data to provide insightful market-usage comments about the Balanced Scorecard. Last years report was very helpful in that respect. For each area of the survey 2CG provided commentaries entitled “Is that what was expected?” and “Have things changed since the last survey”. Under the survey section “How is Balanced Scorecard used”?” an interesting example of a change since last year was stated as follows: “Use of specialist software to generate Balanced Scorecard reports has increased since last year”. Although MS Office tools are still the most prevalent in Balanced Scorecard usage, it is good to see that organisations are now taking advantage of specialist software such as QuickScore to automate, analyse and display performance management data.
A few more interesting facts and insights from the 2010 survey if you do not get time to read the whole thing:
- 75% of the organisations that use Balanced Scorecards have less than 1000 employees (there for 25% are larger corporations)
- 40% of organisations have multiple Balanced Scorecards
- 83% of respondents use their Balanced Scorecard to influence business actions
- 34% use Balanced Scorecards for strategic management, 35% for reporting, 17% for operational management and 14% to calculate incentives
- 80% of balanced Scorecards are used monthly or quarterly
- Organisations use between 2 and 5 ‘perspectives’ with an average of 4. Many use unique names for some of the perspectives.
- The most commonly used perspective names are: Financial, Customer, Processes, Learning and Growth (all four are standard names) followed by Capability, Client, People and Customer Focus
- 44% organisation design the Balanced Scorecard themselves (however the proportion of those designed by specialists has risen since last year)
The ‘Value’ rating of the Balanced Scorecard has risen with 73% believing it to be Extremely or Very Valuable to the organisation.
You should take a look at the whole survey, it is in presentational form and doesn’t take long to read, it is an excellent and authoritative resource.
See the latest Balanced Scorecard Surveys